I have to say...I'm not a very interesting person. I try to be, but I'm pretty sure there are far more interesting people out there than me. I don't say this to sound negative or anything, but it is the honest to god truth. :) And I've accepted it because I love who I am. Ugh! Now I sound conceded. lol
Anyways. Heeehee I am a dog person, I LOVE BOOKS (as you tell by this blog), I love basically anything that has to do with books!

I also am a tea fan more than coffee fan. I especially love drinking tea when I'm curled up with a nice book. I know, real exciting stuff huh.
All of my activities pretty much revolves around books, reading, and more books. If it's not books or reading or blogging, then I like watching TV too :)
I pretty much like cartoons (more of the older ones like Avatar the Last Airbender and shows like that), detectives (Psych and lie to me and such), etc. etc.
Most of the books I read go from paranormal romance to contemporary romance. Honestly, I don't really mind if the book is a little serious, but I love it more when books have a little more humor. It's a little more realistic when they're not so sober or serious. I mean I can deal, but it's just better if I can laugh a little bit, you know?
SO... basically that's my life. I'm not really a party girl nor am I SUUUPER exciting. Nope just another book lover! XD But I do blog and blogging just makes me feel better especially when I can connect with other readers like me :)
So Welcome to my blog and I'm really glad to meet you!
Love, Paige
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