Friday, August 22, 2014

Fudgy Friday's!

13372690It's another review today! Yes, I know that I do reviews everyday or try to, but today is especially Review day. Today I am doing a review of Slammed by Colleen Hoover!

Damn it! My whole pillow is freaking wet from my on and off hours of crying! Thanks for that Colleen. Heehee anyways...this wasn't my first time reading Slammed, but it is my second time. And boy do I STILL love it. And to be completely honest ('cuz you know me I'm an honest honey bee) I think I liked it better the second time around than the first! No wait...that's not right. I fudging LOVED IT the 2nd time around. Yeah my eyes are red and brimming with tears, but it's because Slammed has something that a lot of books don't have anymore. Slammed is real, it has heart, and most of all it has a soul. I can tell by reading this that Colleen put her heart, blood, and sweat into every word. And because of that, it's become one of my top favorites.... See totally wrote a review without giving anything away! (Needed to lighten the mood ;) yeah...nailed it! *fistpump*

There it is. And I hope you read it, because Slammed is one of the best books I've ever read. And you should also check out Mrs. Hoover's new book Ugly Love! It's amazing and maybe I'll review that one too, very soon!!

~ P

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Chocolates and Apologies

Hey guys! I want to say to whoever reads my reviews that I'm really sorry that I haven't been on here since forever. One of the reasons is because my computer sucked. Note the past tense. Yes! I finally got a new computer!! So I will be writing a lot more reviews and trying to come up with something fun in the process. Another reason is school. Yep, college in high school was very busy stuff, but now I am a full time college student. Which means that I probably will still have no time to write or post. It sucks I know, but I started this blog and I am not giving up on it. Books are my life and if I can't review and gush about them then I'll just be a reader.

I am also going to try and update my blog. I want to make it more...I don't know. Bloggy? Anyways, if you happen to come upon this blog or this post then please subscribe and pass on the name to this blog! I will be putting up a review policy for authors and publishers and way more cool things. And hopefully I can also set up a few giveaways!

Thanks, whoever is reading this. And thanks to whoever follows me!

~ P

Pixie Stix!

4070493 I refuse to start this review off with a "need" pun!! I am not a pixie (king or nae king) therefore I have no NEED to do that. Hehehe see what I did there *wiggles eyebrows* Alright overused and probably not that cool punning aside... This wasn't the best book ever, I didn't end up with a hangover :( BUT! It was really cute! Yes cute. If your looking for hot then go read love an skate by Lila Felix. No this was cute. I do have to say that Nick is very sexy...ish, at times, so that made the story a whole lot better. Though please! They must stop they' do you call it???? Unsarcastical banter? These two characters are just not sarcastic as hard as they keep trying! What I did like was the new usage of pixies. They aren't like Fairies, of course not. They are Pixies. I also like the setting and plot of the story...kind of. And was I the only one connecting the real Betty White to the character, Betty White, in this book? They're both old, they're both witty, and they both have strong personalities. Ehem...well other than that it was pretty good and now it is on to the next book!! ;)

~ P