Wednesday, November 29, 2017

A Sweet Move...

Hi Sweeties!
I am so sorry for the no show these past few months. I have been really busy and I have been itching to start a newer and better blog. Now this is using word press and hopefully I can get a real blog website one day, but this is where I have decided to finally move Paige’s Book Sweets to. Hopefully, you guys will like it! Please comment down below what you guys think.
This is truly a HUGE change for me and for you guys because this means that my posts will be a little different looking…maybe. The style has changed and in a big way my blog has grown. Hopefully, I can be also a little better at up keeping this blog. lol
Things that won’t be changing:
  • Whether its a blog, vlog, or even on a totally different site, I won’t be changing the READING PART!!! lol Yup as long as books are in my life I’m going to probably review the snot out of them.
  • My reviewing style as of now. I’ve really liked my review style right now so I probably won’t be changing that, but as this blog keeps growing and changing that can be negotiable. ya know?
Things that may change:
  • The web url
  • and the web design of my blog ðŸ™‚
And for those of you that are sweeties and are hanging on THANK YOU SOOO VERY MUCH!! I am so grateful to have such wonderful Sweeties like you all!

The wordpress url:
– P

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Roller Derby, Reread!

Hey Sweeties!

This past weekend, I watched the fantastical movie, called Whip it! It's one of my favorite movies and I kind of forgot just how much I loved Roller derby. I especially loved it more after reading a Roller Derby series a while back, by Lila Felix. So after re-watching the movie I decided to delve back into the series again. It's been such a long time and I can't believe that I forgot mostly EVERYTHING from the story.

Still, Love and Skate, is seriously one of my favorite series, even after all these "years". Okay so it's probably been only like 2 to mayyybe 3 years since I've read this book. There are some things that I find myself not liking as much as I did back then, but for the most part I still LOVE IT! *squee* Yup and here's why...

The whole story-line about derby girls and bouts is just so unique, something that I've written (or thought about but it never went into an actual review *cough*) before. It seriously is what pulled me in, when I first saw it because I had never even heard about the sport before that moment.

Another reason why I love it is because the characters are pretty great in their own right! They have so many love-able traits that makes them seem almost real, which let's face it, is one of my favorite things about reading. It's also something that I truly look for when choosing books. They are weird and quirky and imperfect. They have problems and don't even get me started on Nellie's AWESOME hair. Just the fact that she has practically dyed it every color of the freaking rainbow makes me want to dye my hair! Something else I love about her character is no matter what, she loves herself. Not in the conceded way, but in a way that promotes self confidence.

Her "Hubby" Owen Black is also pretty cool. He's real in the sense where he can be self-conscious and is nerdy and quirky himself. He also fits so perfectly with Nellie and he's just so darn cute! he wants to do right with Nellie and he wants to make sure that everything is the way it should. He's respectful and a true gentleman.

There were some things that I wasn't as happy about when I reread this book. Nothing major, but I felt the need to write it out, ya know. First, I didn't like how fast the story went. I would have liked it better paced. Still, I feel like I can't really complain since the flow of the story wasn't really affected. There were just times when I felt like the story would slow down a bit and things were better explained.

There was also a very little part that was sort of an outcome to the fast pace of the book. Time was kind of distorted in the sense where at times it felt like time was slow-ish and at the same time there were times when a whole month had passed. So it made the relationship seem like it was going a little faster than I think it actually was.

One last thing, I promise! I also didn't like how things weren't explained in depth. Which coincidentally also was sort of a bypass from the speed of the story. Some things were explained really well, and fleshed out and other times I felt like the scenes were rushed. For example, one minute Nellie would be hanging out with Owen and the next two sentences, he was leaving. That's a little exaggerated since it was probably like in four or five sentences, but you get the gist of it.

Other than that this book is a seriously good book! I would suggest it to anyone who loves a good story with a cute romance and who loves roller derby. I also think the characters have spunk and the overall story is pretty well established. It's a well written book with interesting characters and I think it's well suited for any hopeless romantic like me ;) lol

Well, thanks for hanging in there sweeties! I know I haven't posted much but one of my classes is totally kicking my tush. So I have had to put more of my time and undivided attention to it! But even though my schedule has been torn to shreds and then rolled through the wringer, I will try to post as often as possible. I can't promise when or what days, but I will try my hardest to find time :) Have a great week Sweeties and I'll post something soon!


Sunday, January 8, 2017

A Sweet Kind of Apology :)

Dear Sweeties,

This is a written apology because I am a sucky blogger. I was supposed to be posting more blog reviews and other stuff since I finished the semester. Unfortunately, much like last year, I kind of...didn't. Which is the reason for this apology letter. I know making excuses is a very bad habit, so i won't even try to make some. I will only tell the honest truth. I was lazy. Yup there is my glorious reason for not posting anything and sort of going AWOL for a while. I was posting up until finals rolled around and if any of you know what finals are like then YOU GET ME! Let's put it this way, going into finals I was pumped. It's like when you wake up to go on a hike. You wake up bushy tailed're me who hates hiking. Then somewhere between tuesday and wednesday of that finals week went kind of blurry. I was working my A off to just stuff whatever information I could into my brain. Which is like trying to pick what candy to buy in a candy factory. By the time finals week was over I almost forgot my name (even though I wrote it almost a billion times that week on test papers and final essay reports). Even the weekend wasn't mine yet until Sunday morning after I sent in the last of my concert reports for Jazz class. SO even though I don't really have an excuse, I really just wanted a tiny break before the next semester started. This "break" pretty much consisted of sleeping for long periods of time or staring like a zombie at the TV trying to find a decent anime to watch. Which was a success ladies and gents! *Pssst for those of you who would like to have anime posts every once in a while included please comment down below.

So this is basically what's been going on and what the new year will bring to my channel/blog! I have been thinking of starting a youtube channel....maybe. So please comment down below if you would like to see that happen. I also have been thinking of expanding my content and eventually upgrading this blog to an actual website (most likely to wordpress). Who knows though. I know my instagram idea ended up kind of a bust when it didn't really go as planned, but I AM WORKING ON IT! PROMISE! 

So far I have just been trying to enjoy as much of the break slash holidays as I can. When you live in a state with weather like mine, you tend to enjoy the rain and cold whenever it appears. lol  I've been trying to load up on coats, cute boots, and hot drinks for the past month or two before I won't be able to anymore! I can already feel it slipping away! *Cries*

Oh well, I guuuesss too much of anything isn't really good for you and if I had it all the time...well I think I would be happy, buuuut...maybe not. hee hee. I will say this before I sign out for today! I am planning to write more and have at least something ready for next week. Happy holidays guys! I hope your New Years is all full of excitement and new goals!