YES! I am so excited because Finals are FINAL-LY over. Yup, all of my classes for this semester are officially, O-V-E-R...over! Which means that I can start focusing on my reading skills, which to me are very important. I would say second on my "Important things that I love that would be life threatening to live without". I know long title. Anyways...the top is college. Which is now on break for winter!! EEEP! I know can you sense my excitement or do I need to squeal more?
So first off, I would like to announce that I am probably, most likely, not going to finish reading the Premonition series by Amy A. Bartol. As much as I loved her books at one point in my very short magnificent life, it turns out that love has dulled. *Looks up at the ceiling* I don't know why, but suddenly everything about this book bothered me. (I really cannot believe I am writing this!) Okay so what didn't I like? I mean it wasn't that long ago, right? Well, it kind of was and I think that was part of the problem. I bet if the author had written that last book a year after the release of the fourth book, I would be a happy camper and she would've gotten five stars. Unfortunately, she didn't and like everything else in the world, I changed. I don't like ketchup (nor did I ever technically), I'm not really following Paranormal romance (mostly because everything is either werewolves or were-something), and I don't like the premonition series anymore.
Okay, one thing that bugged me now that the old me didn't really care about, was the writing style. New me likes something that sounds effortless and realistic (yeah I am big on realism lately).This was neither. The accents were a bit distracting and I didn't really like the way the author put in "fancy" wording in random places. I have nothing against learning new words or having them in books, it is called a book for a reason. She put them in the most uncomfortable places and it just felt weird to me. I know! It felt like the way an adult would speak not a young adult who just graduated high school. Some of these words weren't spoken, but they were "thought" so to speak.
Either way, I couldn't go through with it. I went to the second chapter and jumped ship. A lot of the scenes I once thought made sense seemed a lot more imaginary. I guess, that's because I'm in college now. Before I just hade the idea of what college was.
What I haven't figured out yet is whether or not I will be going through with my plan to not finish this book. I'm thinking yes, but I am curious on what is in that last book. Again, if she had just written it years ago, I would have been a very happy girl.
So what am I planning to read now? Here's my reading schedule for the next week or so:
1. The Wait for You series by Jennifer L. Armentrout
This is a series that I also started a while ago (just not years ago). I think the last time I read it was about a year ago. I really liked it and this author is without a doubt my FAVORITE author. She will always be my favorite no matter how much time passes (I hope). I stopped after the first book because when I first started reading NA I had a bit of an aversion to reading sequels because they had new characters and blah blah blah. I have gotten better after time and I think I am ready to finish this series.
2. Some Sort of Happy by Melanie Shaw
I basically got this one because I heard it was funny and the setting was college.
3. Dirty English by Isla Madden-Mills
This one seems good, but I'm not sure if I want to jump on it or not. I've heard great things about it and it has good reviews so I think it'll be good :)
Anyways! That is my list so far and it is subject to change at any time!!!! Just like all the other times. I tend to change my mind A LOT!
Have a great Holiday Sweeties and I'll be writing soon!
~ P
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