Everything between Lev and Mina was different than anything I've ever read before. Which of course, was WONDERFUL because so many books are very similar in many ways. I mean this wasn't the first Belle Aurora book I've ever read, nor was it the first romance book. So it could've been girl falls in love blah blah blah. The thing is, it held the element of surprise. Some of these scenes were so Uber stressful, because I had no idea if they were going to be together or if she was just going to end up out on the streets again. I think part of the reason it was so surprising is because the characters were different. Lev took broody to another level. He was VERY different from any character I've read about. I can't really describe it (it's one of those you need to read it to see it moments) but he was different, in my opinion.
Lev was different I think because Belle wrote him in a way where because he was so socially awkward it made his character a little sweeter! I loved the awkwardness of his emotions with Mina. It was like watching a little baby deer walking for the first time. It was so cute!
Mina was also a surprise. I always thought that the best part of Belle Aurora's books is that she always adds that sugar with that spice. None of the characters are the same and the girls especially all have that spunk with that spoonful of sugar mixed in. To me, I love characters like that. In other words, she brings out the best in her characters and doesn't muddle their personality because of the problems they face.
All of her side characters were also such a plus! I loved Sasha the most oooh and I can't forget Mina's brother! He was sooo adorbs even though he was such a butt at first! They gave this book that extra oomph that it needed and I LOVED IT!!! Like seriously! I AM IN LOVE!
I cannot wait until Aurora comes out with another book! Read it! I dare you to.
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