What's up my Sweeties!
I have sooooooo much to write about it's not even funny! EEEEPPP! I am just so HAPPY right now! Okay so first I have to say, I am sick. I am pretty sure it the flu mixed with the cold with a dash of death :( But I WILL NOT let it bring me down lol. I am wayyy too happy right now for that!

First off, I also want to apologize...again. I promised more reviews, but I've been a total noob about it. I really meant to write more reviews, but then Xmas happened and then New Years and then I got sick and stuff. Wow there were a lot of "ands" in that sentence. Mainly I just wanted to reread the Lux series for like the millionth bizillionth time! I'm finally on the last-ish book and I'm not sure yet if I 'm going to just skip over it and get back to the books I need to read or if I'm going to finish that last book and then move on. SO... that's pretty much the lame-o reason for being so sucky with my reviews. ^ _ ^
Here's my new and updated plan for the next couple of weeks though:
1. Finish the Lux series (again) or...not.
2. The Billionaire Bargain by Lila Monroe
Now for this bad boy, I'm not sure. I really do want to read it and I really don't. I mean I've read a ton of these before and I admit I loved them, but they all have the same storyline. Rich guy meets selfless girl who is different, etc. etc. Then again it's my favorite kind of story. Plus this one has a SEXY AUSTRALIAN. Who doesn't love a sexy male character with an accent???
3. Sweet Soul by Tillie Cole
This one looks really good, but again I don't know. It's the start of the new year and I really want to read something MIND BLOWING! Which is why I am so iffy with actually picking a new book. I am having one of those book worm moments where I want to read something as fantastical as something I've already read kind of deal. I just can't find it, yet! Hopefully this will fulfill my bookworm needs lol.
Books that I also said I would read and still need to read next:
4. Some Sort of Happy by Melanie Shaw
I basically got this one because I heard it was funny and the setting was college.
5. Dirty English by Isla Madden-Mills
This one seems good, but I'm not sure if I want to jump on it or not. I've heard great things about iImage result for city of bones seriest and it has good reviews so I think it'll be good :)
TO - MAYBE - Re-read
EEEP! I've been wanting to reread this series ever since I didn't finish the last book in 2014. Yeah, it's been that long. Seriously this needs to be done, especially when I have the NEW SHADOWHUNTERS show to watch. Which is a completely another story for another post.
2. Sustained by Emma Chase
Just because it was AWESOME and FUNNY!
Anyways! That is my list so far and it is subject to change at any time!!!! Just like all the other times. I tend to change my mind A LOT!
Also I just want to announce that I have followed some new reviewers slash bloggers slash youtubers. They are all going to be like one category lol. So one of them is aestas book blog which you can access here. The link will lead to her awesome review of Obsidian so yeah. And the other one is PolandBananasBooks, which you can find here. She's more of a youtuber rather than a blogger, but I really love her videos about the different books and emotions and actions that book worms go through! I also love that she dabbles in TV reviews and like top tens in that category too. Here is also where you can find her (Christine Riccio) actual site.
Other than that stuff, I'm just trying not to die from this stupid flu (I'm not really dying, but it totes feels that way) and read before school comes back.
I'll be back sweeties so stay tuned!
~ P
P.S. If you all have a suggestion or recommendation on what I should read next or should ever add to my lists then please let me know :) Thanks!!
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