Here's another August update! I wanted to post this as close to the beginning of the month as I could and since the month is already half way through! I can't believe it! Fall classes will be starting soon and I could have sworn that the summer had just started. I guess my brain needs to catch up with the times huh :)
As usual I do want to say that since Fall session is coming up. This doesn't mean I stop reviewing or posting. Even on my busiest months, I at least try to have an update ready for you guys. I just want to this because it's just an update on my schedule slash life, lol.
So without further or do, I'm going to tell you what's coming up next! Basically, I had promised you all plenty of reviews this month and I had even created a new schedule and everything! And while I did post some, I hadn't posted as much as I wanted to. So this means that I'll just have to keep hoping to step up my game, or in this case my blog. ;) Okay cheesy jokes aside, I want to also add a little spiel about the books I'm reading now, pending a review (THAT WILL BE POSTED). Also the reason not all of the reviews went up as planned.
First off, I will explain my mishap in reviews this month! When I had planned the July/August TBR list, I seriously had planned on writing the reviews as numbered on the list. The reason I didn't was my own fault entirely! Obviously. *rolls eyes at myself* I didn't do this because I was feeling a little iffy about the books on the list to begin with. I didn't hate the books on the list, but I wasn't itching reading them either. Also most of the books that I had put on the list were rereads, which I am working on not doing anymore, unless truly feel the urge to. I mean, who can resist a really good reread every once and a while, right?
As for what I am currently reading, I have started a book called Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard. Right now, I'm kind of in the middle as far as feelings about this read goes. I am not exactly "in love" with it and I am not disliking it either! So that's a plus. :) I guess I like it because I am starting to understand the character and her decisions, but I don't love it yet because I wasn't in love with her in the beginning. I don't really want to explain more than that because this isn't the review, yet ;) But I am planning on doing one for this book sometime this week! You will get the full aspect of my feels then.
So what's next on my list?
Here is my schedule of this months TBRs:
- Winter by Frankie Rose - The synopsis sounds pretty good, but it does sound a little darker than what I'm used to reading. So I'm a little apprehensive about reading this one, but it does sound good, so we shall see.
- The Story of You and Me by Pamela DuMond - Although this one didn't get the highest of ratings on Goodreads, I'm kind of excited to read this one. From the Blurb, it sounds like a really nice book and I like the idea of the storyline. I'm not 100% sure I'll love it, but that's the whole point in reading it right?
- Until It Hurts to Stop - This one is completely on my maybe list for two reasons. One is that it got not as great ratings on good reads (3.44 - not that it really deters me) and because it sounds like it might be a love triangle kind of book. I really dislike love triangles and there has only been a very rare few that really get my love :) So we shall really see with this one!
- Under the Never Sky by Veronica Rossi - This will be my very first Dystopian novel so I really really really don't know how to feel about it! I guess in a way I'm pretty psyched to start it because it will be my first. You can't hate something you've never tried before, so yeah...
- Tattered Love by Lola Stark - I'm liking the synopsis and I hope I like the story!
Well, sweeties, this is what my reading schedule looks like for the next month. It looks like it's going to be four contemporary romances + one Dystopian (which I'm still pretty psyched for!). Now, for those newbies on my blog, this list is very LOOSE! I may read all of these and I may only read half, leaving maybe one or two out! This just depends on whether or not I DNF (don't finish) it or if I get around to it before my next update! Usually, if I don't get to it by the next update, they just roll over or I pick out some new titles depending on how I feel at the time :)
I know this post was long, but I hope it really answers some questions! Like I said before I just want to let you all know what I've been up to and what I'll be doing and reviewing next! I encourage you guys to read along with me if you'd like to prepare for my upcoming reviews :) If you don't that's perfectly okay too! If you do want to, you can pick any one of these babies and hopefully I'll have the review for it up by the time you're done :) Happy reading guys!
~ P
P.S. I just want to say too that I'm going to be trying out something new for my reviewing schedule! I want to try setting up a posting day which will be...Fridays/Mondays! Yup I will try posting something every Friday OR Monday. Even if I don't post a review, I will be posting SOMETHING! I hope this helps guys! For both me and you guys! Alright keep reading and smiling sweeties and I'll be posting soon!! :D
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