Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Paper Princess and Popsicles

Hey Sweeties! 

I am absolutely in shattered right now! *weeps*

All of my feels are scattered in little fractures all around me and I don't even know which one to feel first! It's ugh! I want to just open the book right back up again, but I don't because it's just too soon and I'm still reeling from the first time! Grrr....I just want MORE! I want more of Reed and Ella. I want more of the other Royal brothers too. Can I though? Nope. Book 2 doesn't even come out until JULY! *sobs* I NEED THIS BOOK NOW! I literally feel like I'm going to burst if I don't get this book now!! This book was so phenomenal it's not even funny. Saying I love this book is an understatement. I can't even find the word to describe my love! This has definitely became my favorite book! It's way way way up on my favorites list and I have a Feeling it's not coming down ever.
This book to say in the least was about a girl who was alone. She finds someone who needs her just as much as she needs him. At first I didn't love this book not until it opened up like a blooming flower and swallowed me whole. All of the characters were so real and they grew so many feelings in me. The major one was love. I fell in love with Reed. Even if he wasn't the most "conventional" guy he was real and he was imperfect. But ultimately he touches a part of your heart and makes you love his character sooooo much. I honestly loved all the brothers and the way the main character slowly became connected to them. The relationship that bloomed between the characters was just poetic and awesome!

Before I started this book I really thought that it was going to turn out like one of my more recent "Suckerz" Corrupt by Penelope Douglas. I mean technically that was my fault for picking such a dark read, I mean it's all in the title right? But still. Anywayz, the point is, that I thought - based on the storyline - that it was going to be similar to this Corrupt. I don't know why I just did. Boy, was I surprised when it WASN'T! Nope it was way way wayyyyy better. In fact it really wasn't anything like the Corrupt and when I read the prompt I thought it might be darker romance, but it wasn't. In fact, even though they both have pasts, they weren't like SUUUUPPPER dark. Weeeell, that depends on how you look at it. What I mean by dark is that it's not disturbing dark. It's "she has a past that made her into the person today" dark. Where her childhood wasn't entirely conventional, so to speak.

Still I LOVED the optimism the Ella had. Despite the situations, she mulled through and added a somewhat optimistic outlook on it. I won't she's perfect or that I agreed with all of her ideas, but she was a great character that was very "REAL". So was Reed and even now I'm still rooting for them no matter what!

Overall I give this book a FREAKING 5 stars and if you want to be blown away I'd suggest this books 10 times over again!!! So read it because I want to reread it soooo badly! ugh!

~ P

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