One, Jonah. He was a great character and everything, but so dang possessive! Alright, so maybe that was sort of hot. The thing that bothered me about him was the fact that he was super controlling at times. Like when he told Raven she couldn't certain places when she wanted to and even called her a b***ch once when she didn't oblige. He did apologize and it was for her own good, but it was still pretty douchey. Although, still sort of hot when he did that!
I felt like the characters were well established, but some of the characters felt a little bland than others. For example, Blake was a great character. he was really established into this story and we'll used. Plus his personality was the bomb! Same thing goes for Raven, Guy, and some of the other characters. Eve though was a little put out. I feel like she was an outside character like she was there, but wasn't.
The last bone to pick, was the ending. Or towards the end I should say! I'm pretty sure that Raven was choked. when you're choked for any amount of time, your esophagus can be crushed, same with the larynx and vocal chords. Raven didn't have any of those symptoms after being choked. Not even the scratchy voice. Again, small thing, but I felt I should mention.
Other than that I thought this book was spectacular! so read it I dare you!
~ P
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