This was a DNF for me. I'm sorry but I tried. I just couldn't get into it. And trust me I really worked to at least get to the second chapter.
To be honest, I really did think that this was going to be a good book. The blurb reeled me in and it didn't start off awkwardly. Or I guess I should say TOO awkwardly. Plus it came with such great reviews that I was like 'whoa baby!'. Then I started to read...
I hated how the author wrote Elle and Chloe's character. I hate to judge, but I thought they were way too weak for my taste. Sure it's okay too be afraid to be bullied again or whatever, but they took it overboard. she mad them look weak AND stupid. And trust me, I should know. I was bullied.
I didn't finish it and I'm sure those "popular" girls could have been meaner, but I seriously don't know what Elle and Chloe had to be afraid about. Elle gets squirted with paint and Chloe gets almost dumped with food. I get it, scary. But I mean I felt like those rich girls were just as weak and no stupid as them. they weren't mean or scary. Trust me, I've seen scarier and meaner. It was just how you perceive it. I just couldn't see Elle as this innocent sweet girl that I think the author wanted us to see.
I probably sound insensitive, but I can't help it. I just didn't like how super weak they sounded. and I've read bully stories before, this one just didn't cut it.
so read it, I dare you.
~ P
Wow! This book was such a refresher for me. I thought I was starting to lose my love for reading...then I read Friend-Zoned. It was like breathing fresh oxygen in a polluted city. Now I know, it's just the books I've been reading that weren't that great.
I honestly can't find anything to say that was bad about this book. Everything was AMAZING! Each character had meaning and compassion. Their emotions and personalities were all so different yet, they worked so well when put together. And a lot of the times when an author puts so many characters into the story, they tend to forget a few characters or just mess it up. Belle Aurora didn't do either of these things. Instead,she put meaning and love to each and every character. I actually fell in love with every character.
Another thing that I loved was the main character. Tina was just different from a lot of book characters I've read. Despite what life handed to her. Tina overcame it. She put on her happy goggles and waded through the bad, meanwhile shedding light to everything she touched or came in contact with.
To be honest, I think that she even influenced me too. I thought - as she would put it - she was THE BOMB! And I couldn't help but cry whenever she did. Usually I would be annoyed when the main character cried too much. When Tina did it, I felt it to my soul. ALL the emotions in this book I felt deep inside of myself. It was electrifying.
I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who likes a little humor. I like books where they have hardships and stuff, but when it's just problem after problem, but no humor. That's when I tend to lose interest. I like to laugh a little...okay a lot. And when a book is too serious or complicated then that's when I want to stop reading it. Friend-Zoned was the kind that kept me interested the entire way through. And I would read it again! Over and over! So read it...I dare you!
~ P
GOLLY MS. MOLLY, this was good! I can't say it wasn't because I'd be lying if I did. this book was freaking amazeballs!! there were a few things that bothered me and I was willing to overlook them because they were small. I still want to address them, though. :)
One, Jonah. He was a great character and everything, but so dang possessive! Alright, so maybe that was sort of hot. The thing that bothered me about him was the fact that he was super controlling at times. Like when he told Raven she couldn't certain places when she wanted to and even called her a b***ch once when she didn't oblige. He did apologize and it was for her own good, but it was still pretty douchey. Although, still sort of hot when he did that!
I felt like the characters were well established, but some of the characters felt a little bland than others. For example, Blake was a great character. he was really established into this story and we'll used. Plus his personality was the bomb! Same thing goes for Raven, Guy, and some of the other characters. Eve though was a little put out. I feel like she was an outside character like she was there, but wasn't.
The last bone to pick, was the ending. Or towards the end I should say! I'm pretty sure that Raven was choked. when you're choked for any amount of time, your esophagus can be crushed, same with the larynx and vocal chords. Raven didn't have any of those symptoms after being choked. Not even the scratchy voice. Again, small thing, but I felt I should mention.
Other than that I thought this book was spectacular! so read it I dare you!
~ P