Hi Sweeties!
I am so sorry for the no show these past few months. I have been really busy and I have been itching to start a newer and better blog. Now this is using word press and hopefully I can get a real blog website one day, but this is where I have decided to finally move Paige’s Book Sweets to. Hopefully, you guys will like it! Please comment down below what you guys think.
This is truly a HUGE change for me and for you guys because this means that my posts will be a little different looking…maybe. The style has changed and in a big way my blog has grown. Hopefully, I can be also a little better at up keeping this blog. lol
Things that won’t be changing:
- Whether its a blog, vlog, or even on a totally different site, I won’t be changing the READING PART!!! lol Yup as long as books are in my life I’m going to probably review the snot out of them.
- My reviewing style as of now. I’ve really liked my review style right now so I probably won’t be changing that, but as this blog keeps growing and changing that can be negotiable. ya know?
Things that may change:
- The web url
- and the web design of my blog
And for those of you that are sweeties and are hanging on THANK YOU SOOO VERY MUCH!! I am so grateful to have such wonderful Sweeties like you all!
The wordpress url: https://paigesbooksweets.wordpress.com
– P