Sunday, January 8, 2017

A Sweet Kind of Apology :)

Dear Sweeties,

This is a written apology because I am a sucky blogger. I was supposed to be posting more blog reviews and other stuff since I finished the semester. Unfortunately, much like last year, I kind of...didn't. Which is the reason for this apology letter. I know making excuses is a very bad habit, so i won't even try to make some. I will only tell the honest truth. I was lazy. Yup there is my glorious reason for not posting anything and sort of going AWOL for a while. I was posting up until finals rolled around and if any of you know what finals are like then YOU GET ME! Let's put it this way, going into finals I was pumped. It's like when you wake up to go on a hike. You wake up bushy tailed're me who hates hiking. Then somewhere between tuesday and wednesday of that finals week went kind of blurry. I was working my A off to just stuff whatever information I could into my brain. Which is like trying to pick what candy to buy in a candy factory. By the time finals week was over I almost forgot my name (even though I wrote it almost a billion times that week on test papers and final essay reports). Even the weekend wasn't mine yet until Sunday morning after I sent in the last of my concert reports for Jazz class. SO even though I don't really have an excuse, I really just wanted a tiny break before the next semester started. This "break" pretty much consisted of sleeping for long periods of time or staring like a zombie at the TV trying to find a decent anime to watch. Which was a success ladies and gents! *Pssst for those of you who would like to have anime posts every once in a while included please comment down below.

So this is basically what's been going on and what the new year will bring to my channel/blog! I have been thinking of starting a youtube channel....maybe. So please comment down below if you would like to see that happen. I also have been thinking of expanding my content and eventually upgrading this blog to an actual website (most likely to wordpress). Who knows though. I know my instagram idea ended up kind of a bust when it didn't really go as planned, but I AM WORKING ON IT! PROMISE! 

So far I have just been trying to enjoy as much of the break slash holidays as I can. When you live in a state with weather like mine, you tend to enjoy the rain and cold whenever it appears. lol  I've been trying to load up on coats, cute boots, and hot drinks for the past month or two before I won't be able to anymore! I can already feel it slipping away! *Cries*

Oh well, I guuuesss too much of anything isn't really good for you and if I had it all the time...well I think I would be happy, buuuut...maybe not. hee hee. I will say this before I sign out for today! I am planning to write more and have at least something ready for next week. Happy holidays guys! I hope your New Years is all full of excitement and new goals!