| To think I didn't really want to read this book! Now, I can't wait to part 2 to come out! I am terribly upset that part 2 won't be out for another 3 months!! That is WAY too long! *sigh* At least it's better than a year.
Clearly this book was AMAZING! Seriously it was great! I have to admit that the beginning was a little confusing and I kind of wanted to stop reading (that descision lasted for about a second). The authors also didn't make it easy on you by giving you clues in the synopsis. It w To think I didn't really want to read this book! Now, I can't wait to part 2 to come out! I am terribly upset that part 2 won't be out for another 3 months!! That is WAY too long! *sigh* At least it's better than a year.
Clearly this book was AMAZING! Seriously it was great! I have to admit that the beginning was a little confusing and I kind of wanted to stop reading (that descision lasted for about a second). The authors, Colleen Hoover and Tarryn Fisher, also didn't make it easy on you by giving you clues in the synopsis. It was great though because you had to live with the confusion the characters were dealing with! To me that's awesome because I was put in the characters shoes. Most books you see through the eyes of the characters, the POV, but this book made you FEEL what the character was feeling. Which goes beyond just any plain ol' point of view story.

Both characters were pretty cool. They weren't perfect nor were they near perfect and their relationship was pretty messed up, if you ask me. Still, somehow I grew to love the characters. They had problems and flaws, but it was real.
I am so glad I tried this book and I'm sad that I didn't start it sooner! Now I'm to sit in my room next to my bookshelf and wait patiently (as patiently as I can) for book 2. *cries silently* I am truly anxious for the sequel thanks to that lovely ending/cliffhanger and hopefully I won't die waiting ever so impatiently! lol Read it...I double dog dare you!
~ P