Damn it! My whole pillow is freaking wet from my on and off hours of crying! Thanks for that Colleen. Heehee anyways...this wasn't my first time reading Slammed, but it is my second time. And boy do I STILL love it. And to be completely honest ('cuz you know me I'm an honest honey bee) I think I liked it better the second time around than the first! No wait...that's not right. I fudging LOVED IT the 2nd time around. Yeah my eyes are red and brimming with tears, but it's because Slammed has something that a lot of books don't have anymore. Slammed is real, it has heart, and most of all it has a soul. I can tell by reading this that Colleen put her heart, blood, and sweat into every word. And because of that, it's become one of my top favorites.... See totally wrote a review without giving anything away! (Needed to lighten the mood ;) yeah...nailed it! *fistpump*
There it is. And I hope you read it, because Slammed is one of the best books I've ever read. And you should also check out Mrs. Hoover's new book Ugly Love! It's amazing and maybe I'll review that one too, very soon!!
~ P