Did I like this book? Nope. Did I love this book? Not even close!! You wanna know why? Because I freaking MORE than loved this book!!!!!!! There are no words to describe how much this book is loved by me!!!
Lila Felix is my most favorite author ever! Why?! Well, isn't it kind of obvious? She writes the wittiest and lovliest books. She comes up with words like fantastical (which I think is creative and boss in its own self) and she puts so much love and emotion into her characters! I have read every single one of her books and this one has to top the cake! Now you guys can see that I'm not very consistant on my blog, mainly because my computers down and I have to use my phone for updates. But in this case, Lila needed this. I needed to write about it!
As you guys also know, I don't particularly like putting in a sunopsis with my reviews. But I will give you guys somehing to munch on. Nixon (which is a totally hot name) has lost a lot of things. And he's also gotten a lot too. And one of those previous things is his daughter. And it's all from a one night stand. The mother of his daughter didn't want her and left. And all he can think about is his Journey...
Okay so that may have sounded lame ass, but you'll have to read it if you wanna call it that. So buy it. Love it. Cuz I did! :)